Monday, August 3, 2009

memories that remain (however unexpected)

My brother Henry and I went for a bike ride downtown today. The intended destinations were the library and Piccomolo (the best gelato you can find in the state of Virginia - I don't care what anyone else says), so I figured a bag to carry my wallet and books would be wise.

After digging my brown messenger bag out of the pile of things I haven't touched since coming home in May, I emptied it to find the following:

- my sketchbook from "Fundamentals of Theatrical Design" (more commonly referred to as "fundies" by most theater students) class from last semester
- a blue bic lighter
- several Studio show programs
- my "love, luck, wish" necklace (I knew I hadn't left it at Jake's)
- one of my external harddrives
- my copy of the dorm checkout list
AND (my personal favorite)
- a "to do" list Emma must have written MONTHS ago in the green room

The "to do" list is my favorite because it recommends such activities as:
- steal shit
- teepee Corey's house
- glitter Justin's apartment
- skinny dip
... among several others.

Dear Emma,
If you happen to read this, I think we need to accomplish all said tasks.
Please and Thank You,
<3 M

1 comment:

  1. Steal shit. Check
    Skinny dip. Check

    As for the rest of the list I have no idea what is one there....ha ha ha.
