Saturday, August 15, 2009

Damn tricks of fate...

As a general rule, I really hate being lazy. It's not that I begrudge others their laziness. Just me, personally. Lazy Mary is also Bored Mary.

But here's the rub: more then I hate my own laziness, I really really REALLY despise a lack of choice in that department. Because, of course, when I am sick, like now for example, I have no control over my motivationlessness (is that even a word?).

I had things planned for today. I was going to pack for the week and for the move back to school. I was going to properly celebrate my little brother's birthday. I was... oh, wait, I'm still going to have to go to work. Anyway, point made, right?

Laziness/Illness does a number on a gal's creative thought process. Therefore, do not expect much artistic insight for a while. My humblest apologies.

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