Monday, June 22, 2009

Yellow Envelopes

I love writing letters. Whenever I feel the need to return to the good-ol'-days of snail mail, I'll pull out a plastic polka-dotted case in which I keep my envelopes and stationary. I'll write on a piece of stationary decorated with music notes, fold it once and slide it into a large, yellow envelope.

I found both the stationary and the envelopes in Staples about two years ago and immeadiately stocked up on each. I have sent hundreds of letters since, often covering them in stickers and sharpie drawings.

A good friend of mine is in Basic Training for the Army and is one of the few people who will send letters back. In his last, he wrote this:

You realize, don't you, that you've enchanted my bunkmates? None of them ever get letters, not even from their girlfriends and you send them twice a week. We get our mail just before lights out and we all wait for another one to slip underneath the door. I read them aloud sometimes and they ask about you, the girl with the yellow envelopes.

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