Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Love Knots

Above is a picture of my basket of embroidery floss. To a stranger, I have plenty to last me the rest of the summer. To those who know me, I'm running low.

A favorite pasttime of mine while sitting in front of the television on a lazy day is making friendship bracelets out of this floss. I've made dozens so far with every intention of making more.

Below is a picture of a small box in which I keep... more floss. On the right - finished bracelets waiting to be sent in the mail. On the left - the extra string leftover from every finished bracelet I've made this summer. I tie the pieces and keep them with the sentiment that the person I gave the respective bracelet to is with me. A little cheesey, but what can you do?

Easy enough to put together. Basically, just a bunch of knots. I usually go off of a person's favorite colors, sometimes switching it up with colors I think describe them as people. Other times I just pick colors I like and wait for someone to come along who might like them too.

Whichever way it happens, the same amount of care goes into each knot. Whether I am thinking of a specific person or the people I love in general.

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