Friday, July 24, 2009

If you've never seen "Centerstage", you have no idea what you're missing. I must have watched this movie a thousand times but it has never bored me. Attached is the final dance sequence. Watch it now and pay special attention to the last few minutes. You will not be disappointed.

Friday, July 17, 2009

to hating dear old mom and dad

36 days. Just 36 more days until I am back in Indiana, far far away from my whack-job family.

Five weeks. I can make it five more weeks, can't I? Honestly, I'm not so sure. They're all insane. Henry barely talks anymore. Alex yammers on and on and on about nothing important. Dad's spineless and only yells when he feels like Mom wants him to. And if I get started on the list of issues I have with Mom, this blog post will turn into the length of one's average Russian novel.

Yes, I have every intention of paying back the $900 I owe. Yes, I will clean the fucking living room by Sunday afternoon. No, I don't have work this weekend. Yes, I was up late last night on the phone. What of it? No, I REALLY don't want to talk right now. Drop it and let me be.

Please and thank you.

35 and a half more days. You can do it, Mary. You can do it. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...

I think I can drive myself crazy if I have to put up with this for so much as one more hour.

It's not that I don't love them. I do. I just think we function much MUCH better while seperated. The four hour distance was a GODSEND. And now that I am under they're roof, I am in hell all over again.

Five more weeks. Just five more weeks. Compartmentalize and... BREATHE.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Underground

Right, so I posted stuff about "The Sounds" a little while ago, having listened to five or six songs off the new album. This past Monday, my best friend introduced me to a new one.

Let us go back to the underground
It was the place where we all used to hide away...

The lyrics reminded us of Cinema Arts, a small independent film theater where we worked after school and weekends during our senior year of high school. Every now and then, when we come back to visit, we'll pick up a shift. It always seems like a good plan... but here's the thing: it's changed so much. And I don't mean just the appearance. That alone would not deter us. I mean the overall feeling of the place. Peoples' drama, the way they act toward everyone, it puts off an entirely different vibe.

It's no longer our "underground".